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About me

I am a community ecologist with a keen interest in understanding how ecological phenomena arise from interactions between entities in space and time. As such, I have so far focused my research on the structure and dynamics of ecological networks: how interactions of different types can be seamlessly incorporated in their representation, how species persist in these networks, and the role of space in shaping their dynamics.

I am currently working at University of Graz, Austria, trying to better understand and measure biotic interactions in real ecosystems using easily available data. That is, fully acknowledging different sources of uncertainty, the complexity of the real world, and the limitations that field data impose in our understanding of ecological phenomena.

About this website

In the sections above you will find a -hopefully- updated list of publications and CV, teaching resources from some classes/workshops I have imparted, and some occasional posts that I will write mostly to remind myself how to solve specific issues I encountered when playing with R, markdown, LaTex, or any other fancy tool.